Dean Forest (Mines) Act 1838

LXV Commissioners of Woods may grant Licences for Air Shafts in Inclosures.U.K.

It shall be lawful for the Commissioners for the time being of Her Majesty’s Woods, Forests, Land Revenues, Works, and Buildings, if they in their discretion shall see fit, to grant licences to such person or persons as they may think proper for sinking air shafts in any inclosures belonging to Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, or for the forming any railroad or tramroad along or across any of such inclosures, but under such conditions and restrictions and subject to such rents or payments, and under such Regulations, as the said Commissioners last mentioned shall think fit: Provided always, that such grants or licences shall be entered in the Books of the said Gaveller or Deputy Gaveller within three months from the date thereof respectively, . . . F1: Provided always, that the power hereby given to grant licences for forming any railroad or tramroad along or across any of the inclosures of Her Majesty, shall not extend to abridge or prejudice any rights or privileges now by law vested in any company or companies heretofore established and empowered by Act of Parliament to make and maintain railways within the said Forest.

Textual Amendments