
XXXIIIIn case of Illness of a Commissioner another Person may be appointed to execute the Duties.

And be it enacted, That if the Chief or other Commissioner of the said Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors shall at any Time, not being the Time of his Circuit, be by Illness or other reasonable Cause for a Time disabled from performing his Duties, it shall be lawful for any fit Person, being a Barrister at Law, and appointed by One of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, to execute the Duties of such Chief or other Commissioner during such Disability; and if such Disability shall occur during the Time appointed for the Circuit of such Chief or other Commissioner it shall be lawful for any fit Person, being a Barrister at Law, and nominated by such Chief or other Commissioner, to execute the Duties of such Chief or other Commissioner on such Circuit as aforesaid during such Disability; and that all Things done according to the Provisions of this Act by such Person so nominated or appointed as aforesaid, as the Case may be, during such Disability as aforesaid, shall be good and valid to all Intents and Purposes as if the same had been done by such Chief or other Commissioner: Provided always, that such Chief or other Commissioner, if such Disability as aforesaid- shall occur during the Time appointed for his Circuit, shall forthwith state the same, together with the Cause thereof, and such Nomination, in Writing, and shall subscribe such Statement, and shall send the same forthwith by Her Majesty's Post to One of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State.