Judgments Act 1838

LXXIXDischarge may extend to Process for Contempt in Nonpayment of Money ; and to Costs incurred by Creditor, but subject to Taxation.

And be it enacted, That the Discharge of any Prisoner so adjudicated as aforesaid shall and may extend to all Process issuing from any Court, for any Contempt of any Court, Ecclesiastical or Civil, for Nonpayment of Money or of Costs or Expences in any Court, Ecclesiastical or Civil; and that in such Case the said Discharge shall be deemed to extend also to all Costs which such Prisoner would be liable to pay in consequence or by reason of such Contempt, or on purging the same; and that every Discharge so adjudicated as aforesaid, as to any Debt or Damages of any Creditor of such Prisoner, shall be deemed to extend also to all Costs incurred by such Creditor before the filing of such Prisoner's Schedule, in any Action or Suit brought by such Creditor against such Prisoner for the Recovery of the same ; and that all Persons as to whose Demands for any such Costs, Money, or Expences as aforesaid any such Person shall be so adjudged to be discharged shall be deemed and taken to be Creditors of such Prisoner in respect thereof, and entitled to the Benefit of all the Provisions made for Creditors by this Act, subject nevertheless to such ascertaining of the Amount of the said Demands as may be had by Taxation or otherwise, and to such Examination thereof as is herein provided in respect of all Claims to a Dividend of such Insolvent's Estate and Effects.