
XIn other Cases how annual Value, to be estimated.

And be it farther enacted, That for all the other Purposes of this Act the annual Value of all Benefices shall be the net annual Value thereof, to be estimated in the same Manner as is herein-before directed for the Purpose of any such Certificate as aforesaid ; and that it shall be lawful for the Court before whom any Suit shall be depending for the Recovery of any Penalty or .Forfeiture under this Act, and for any Bishop acting under any of the Provisions of this Act, to make or cause to be made such Inquiries and call for such Evidence as such Court or Bishop shall think fit, and otherwise to proceed upon the best Information which such Court or Bishop may be able to procure for estimating in manner aforesaid the annual Value of any Benefice; and with respect to the same, the Decision of such Court or of such Bishop, founded on such Evidence or other Information, shall be final and conclusive, save when appealed from in due Course of Law.