Pluralities Act 1838

VIf yearly Value of One of said Benefices be less than 150l., and the Population shall exceed 2,000 Persons, the Two may be held jointly, after Statement of Reasons by the Bishop. Proviso as to Residence on larger Parish.

And be it enacted, That in case the Bishop or Bishops, as the Case may be, to whom any Two Benefices within the Distance of Ten Miles from each other shall respectively be subject, which, under the Provision herein-before contained, might not be holden together, but one of which Benefices shall be below the yearly Value of One hundred and fifty Pounds, and the Population of which shall exceed Two thousand Persons, shall think it expedient that the Incumbent of one of such Benefices should be permitted to hold the said Two Benefices together, the said Bishop or Bishops shall be at liberty, upon Application made to him or them for that Purpose by such Incumbent, to state in Writing under his or their Hand or Hands the Reason why such Benefices should be holden together, and in such Case it shall be lawful for the said Incumbent to hold the said Two Benefices together : Provided always, that in the last-mentioned Case the Bishop of the Diocese within which such Benefice having a Population exceeding Two thousand Persons is situate may from Time to Time, if he shall so think fit, by an Order under his Hand and revocable at any Time, require that such Incumbent should keep Residence on and personally serve such Benefice during the Space of Nine Months in each Year y and if such Incumbent shall not, in obedience to the Terms of such Order and until the same be revoked, reside on and personally serve such Benefice, he shall be liable to all the Penalties for Non-residence imposed by this Act, notwithstanding he may have a legal Exemption permanent or temporary from Residence, or may be resident on some other Benefice of which he may be possessed, or may be performing the Duties of an Office, and the Performance of the Duties of which might in other Cases be accounted as Residence on some Benefice: Provided always, that such Spiritual Person may, within One Month after Service upon him of any such Order, appeal to the Archbishop of the Province, who shall confirm or rescind such Order as to him may seem just and proper.