Pluralities Act 1838

LXIIIBishop to transmit Copies of Report, &c. to Patron and Incumbent, who may object within Two Months, and if so Bishop may order Plan to be modified or abandoned.

Provided always, and be it enacted, That the said Bishop shall cause to be transmitted to the Patron and the Incumbent (if any) of such Benefice Copies of the Report so to be made by such Commissioners, and of the Plan, Estimate, and Certificate so to be made by such Workman or Surveyor, Two Calendar Months at the least before making any such Mortgage as aforesaid; and that in case the Patron and the Incumbent, or either of them, shall object to the proposed Site for a Residence, or to the proposed Plan for erecting or repairing such Residence, or to the Amount proposed to be raised, and shall deliver such Objections in Writing to the said Bishop before the Expiration of such Period of Two Calendar Months, the said Bishop shall have full Power to direct that the Plan proposed to be carried into effect shall be altered or modified in such Manner as he may think fit: Provided also, that if the Bishop shall, after receiving the Report to be made by such Commissioners, be of opinion that it is not expedient under the special Circumstances of any such Benefice to levy and raise any Sum or Sums of Money by Mortgage as herein-before required, or otherwise to take Measures for providing a fit House of Residence for such Benefice, he shall state in detail such special Circumstances and the Grounds of his Opinion in the next annual Return to be made by him to Her Majesty in Council, according to the Directions herein-before contained.