Coal Industry Nationalisation Act 1946

Transitional Provisions.

12(1)All such proceedings with respect to the assessment of mines for the purposes of the rate required to be levied in respect of the year within which the primary vesting date falls, the service upon the owners of mines of notices of, and the making by them of objections to, such assessments, the consideration of such objections, hearings in connection therewith and arbitrations consequential thereon, as might have been had, taken or continued under the scheme after that date if this Act had not been passed, may be had, taken or continued in all respects as if this Act had not been passed and as if persons who, immediately before that date were owners of mines had continued to be such owners, but with the substitution of the Board for the Committee.

(2)All such proceedings for the recovery by the Committee, otherwise than by distress, of a sum due from any person in respect of an amount assessed in respect of a mine for the purposes of a rate required to be levied in respect of the year within which the primary vesting date falls or any preceding year as might have been had, taken or continued under the scheme after that date if this Act had not been passed, may be had, taken or continued in all respects as if this Act had not been passed, but with the substitution of the Board for the Committee.