Housing (Financial Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1946

5Housing schemes involving expenditure on rights of support, etc..

Where the Secretary of State is satisfied on an application made to him by a local authority with respect to any house, or accommodation deemed to be a new house, which the authority have provided or intend to provide, that the cost of providing the house or accommodation has been or will be substantially enhanced by expenses attributable to the acquisition of rights of support, or otherwise attributable to measures taken by the authority for securing protection against the consequences of a subsidence of the site, then,—

(a)the Secretary of State may undertake to make, and make, in respect of the house or accommodation in addition to the appropriate contribution payable under section one or section three of this Act, payment to the local authority for a period of sixty years of an annual contribution of such amount not exceeding two pounds as he may determine ; and

(b)the local authority shall out of the appropriate rate make, in addition to the contribution payable by them under section two or section four of this Act, an annual contribution for the period of sixty years of an amount equal to one-half of the additional contribution which the Secretary of State has undertaken to make under this section.