Education Act 1946

8Provisions for avoiding broken terms

(1)Where a person attains any particular age during the term of any school at which, when he attains that age, he is a registered pupil, he shall, for the purposes of the provisions of the principal Act relating to the limits of the compulsory school age, be deemed not to have attained that age until the end of the term.

(2)Where a person attains a particular age while he is not a registered pupil at a school, then, if he has been such a pupil at any time during the year preceding the date on which he attains that age, the provisions of the foregoing subsection shall have effect in relation to him as if he were a registered pupil at the school at which he last was a registered pupil before attaining that age.

(3)Where a person attains the age of eighteen years during the term of any county college which, when he attains that age, he is for the time being required to attend by a college attendance notice, he shall, for the purposes of the provisions of the principal Act relating to the period during which a person remains a young person, be deemed not to have attained that age until the end of the term, and the attendance required of him by any such notice may extend until the end of the term in which he has attained or will attain that age.

(4)Subsection (5) of section one hundred and fourteen of the principal Act is hereby repealed.