


78Provision of certain ancillary services for pupils not in attendance at schools maintained by local education authorities.

(1)Where under powers conferred by this Act a local education authority make special arrangements for any child or young person to receive primary or secondary education otherwise than at school, the authority may provide for the medical inspection or medical treatment of that pupil as if he were in attendance at a school maintained by the authority.

(2)A local education authority may, with the consent of the proprietor of any school in their area which is not a school maintained by the authority, and upon such financial and other terms, if any, as may be determined by agreement between the authority and the proprietor of the school, make arrangements for securing—

(a)the provision of milk, meals and other refreshment for pupils in attendance at the school; and

(b)the provision for any registered pupil at the school who is unable by reason of the inadequacy of his clothing to take full advantage of the education provided at the school of such clothing as is necessary for the purpose of ensuring that he is sufficiently clad while he remains a pupil at the school;

and may, with the consent of the proprietor of any school or other educational establishment in their area which is not maintained by the authority, and upon such financial and other terms, if any, as may be determined by agreement between the authority and the proprietor of the school or establishment, make arrangements for securing the medical inspection of, and the provision of medical treatment for, pupils (being junior pupils or senior pupils) in attendance at the school or establishment :

Provided that any arrangements made under this subsection shall be such as to secure, so far as is practicable, that the expense incurred by the authority in connection with the provision under the arrangements of any service or article shall not exceed the expense which would have been incurred by them in the provision thereof if the pupil had been a pupil at a school maintained by them.