Education Act 1944

104Power of the Minister to make grants in respect of aided schools and special agreement schools established for the accommodation of displaced pupils.

(1)Where the Minister has approved proposals submitted to him under subsection (2) of section thirteen of this Act that any school proposed to be established should be maintained by a local education authority as a voluntary school and has directed that the proposed school shall be an aided school or a special agreement school, then, if the Minister is satisfied that although the proposed school will not be in substitution for one or more discontinued schools, yet the establishment thereof is wholly or partially due to the need of providing education for a substantial number of displaced pupils, he may by order certify as expenses attributable to the provision of education for displaced pupils so much of the amount expended in the construction of the school as is in his opinion so attributable, and may pay to the managers or governors of the school a grant not exceeding one half of the expenses so certified:

Provided that no grant shall be payable under this section to the managers or governors of a special agreement school in respect of any sums expended by them in the execution of proposals to which the special agreement for the school relates.

(2)For the purposes of this section—

(a)the expression " displaced pupils " means, in relation to any such proposed school as aforesaid, pupils for whom education would, in the opinion of the Minister, have been provided in some other aided school or special agreement school if that school had not ceased to be available for them in consequence of its having ceased to be used for providing both primary and secondary education or in consequence of a substantial reduction in the number of pupils for whom education is to be provided in it; and

(b)any sum expended for the purpose of providing a site for a school shall be deemed to be expended in the construction of the school.