Parliament (Elections and Meeting) Act 1943


(a)any person votes or attempts to vote as proxy at an election in any constituency on behalf of more than two voters of whom that person is neither the husband, wife, parent, grandparent, brother or sister ;

(b)any person votes or attempts to vote as proxy at an election on behalf of another person when he knows, or has reasonable grounds for supposing that the proxy paper appointing him has been cancelled, or that that other person is dead, or that that other person is no longer entitled to vote at that election or to vote by proxy at that election ; or

(c)any person, not being a British subject, or not being of full age, or being subject to any legal incapacity, votes or attempts to vote as proxy on behalf of another person ; or

(d)any person, being a person entered in the absent voters list for a constituency and entitled to vote by proxy in that constituency, himself votes or attempts to vote at any parliamentary election in that constituency otherwise than by means of the proxy paper while the proxy paper is in force ;

he shall be guilty of an illegal practice within the meaning of the [46 & 47 Vict. c. 51.] Corrupt and Illegal Practices Prevention Act, 1883, and the expression " illegal practice " shall be construed accordingly :

Provided that the court before whom a person is convicted under this provision may, if they think it just in the special circumstances of the case, mitigate or entirely remit any incapacity imposed by section ten of the said Act.