

3Suspension of quota payments

(1)No quota payments shall be made under the Wheat Acts, 1932 and 1939, in respect of any flour, chargeable food or chargeable imports, by virtue of any delivery or importation thereof during the period of suspension, and accordingly the provisions of the Wheat (Amendment) Act, 1939, relating to such payments shall have effect subject to the amendments specified in the Second Schedule to this Act.

(2)The Minister of Food shall from time to time pay to the Wheat Commission out of moneys provided by Parliament such sums as may be certified by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, with the consent of the Treasury, to be necessary to enable the Commission to discharge during the period of suspension its functions under the Wheat Acts, 1932 and 1939, as amended by this Act:

Provided that nothing in this subsection shall affect the provisions of subsection (6) of section ten of the Wheat Act, 1932 (which provides for the payment of the administrative expenses of the Commission by registered growers).