
PART IIIPrivate Shelters and Training in certain Factories, Mines and Buildings.

23Training of employees.

(1)This section applies to every person who employs more than thirty persons in any factory premises, in or about any mine or in any commercial building.

(2)It shall be the duty of every person to whom this section applies, not later than one month from the date on which this section first applies to him, to make a report in writing, in the case of factory premises, to the factory inspector for the district, in the case of a mine, to the mines inspector for the district, and, in the case of a commercial building, to the local authority, stating what measures he has taken or is taking or proposing to take to secure that all the persons employed by him in the premises, in or about the mine or in the building are trained as respects the routine to be followed in the event of an air-raid and that a suitable proportion of those persons are trained and equipped to give first-aid treatment, to deal with the effects of gas and to fight fires.

(3)A factory inspector may, in the case of factory premises, a mines inspector may, in the case of a mine, and the local authority may, in the case of a commercial building, serve on an employer to whom this section applies a notice in writing requiring him to take such measures in relation to the aforesaid matters as may be specified in the notice, and it shall thereupon be the duty of the employer, subject to the next following subsection, to comply with the requirements of the notice.

(4)Any person upon whom a notice is served as aforesaid may, within fourteen days after receipt of the notice, appeal to the Minister, and the Minister may on any such appeal cancel or vary the notice, and the decision of the Minister shall be final.

(5)If any person to whom this section applies fails to make such a report as aforesaid or to comply with the requirements of such a notice as aforesaid, he shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds, and, if the default in respect of which he was so convicted continues after the conviction, he shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds for each day on which the default so continues.