
PART IIIMiscellaneous provisions as to Income Tax and other Taxes

38Extension of charities relief to certain scientific research Associations


(a)an Association which has as its object the undertaking of scientific research which may lead to or facilitate an extension of any class or classes of trade is approved for the purposes of this section by the Committee of the Privy Council for Scientific and Industrial Research; and

(b)the memorandum of association or other similar instrument regulating the functions of the Association precludes the direct or indirect payment or transfer to any of its members of any of its income or property by way of dividend, gift, division, bonus or otherwise howsoever by way of profit,

there shall be allowed in its case all such relief from income tax and stamp duties as falls to be allowed in the case of a body of persons which is established for charitable purposes only and the whole income of which is applied to those purposes:

Provided that the condition specified in paragraph (b) of this section shall not be deemed not to be complied with in the case of an Association by reason only that the memorandum or other similar instrument regulating its functions does not prevent the payment to members of the Association of—

(i)reasonable remuneration for goods, labour or power supplied, or services rendered; or

(ii)reasonable interest for money lent; or

(iii)reasonable rent for any premises.

(2)In this section the expression " scientific research " means any activities in the fields of natural or applied science for the extension of knowledge.

(3)Section nineteen of the Finance Act, 1925 (which prescribes the procedure to be followed in the case of certain claims for relief from income tax and confers a right of appeal in connection therewith), shall apply to claims for relief from income tax under this section.