
7Administrative and financial provisions

(1)His Majesty may make provision by Order in Council with respect to—

(a)the quorum and proceedings of the Commission;

(b)the appointment of officers and servants of the Commission and the payment of remuneration and allowances to them;

(c)the management and investment of any moneys in the hands of the Commission ;

(d)any other matters for which His Majesty considers it necessary or expedient to provide for the purpose of enabling the Commission to exercise their functions;

(e)the disposal of any sums in the hands of the Commission which it is not practicable to distribute;

(f)the winding up of the Commission.

(2)Subject as hereinafter provided, the expenses of the Commission, including the remuneration and allowances of the members, officers and servants of the Commission, shall be defrayed out of moneys provided by Parliament:

Provided that His Majesty may by Order in Council direct the payment into the Exchequer by the Commission, out of any sums paid to the Commission for the purpose of being distributed by them under this Act, of such amount as may be determined by or under the Order to be the amount of the said expenses attributable to the discharge by the Commission of their functions in relation to the distribution of those sums.