Nurses (Scotland) Act 1951


(1)The Council shall make rules for the following purposes:—

(a)for regulating the maintenance and publication of the register and the roll;

(b)for regulating the conditions of admission to the register and the roll;

(c)for regulating the conduct of any examinations which may be prescribed as a condition of admission to the register or the roll, and any matters ancillary to or connected with any such examinations;

(d)for regulating the issue of certificates to persons registered or enrolled and making provision with respect to the uniform or badge which may be worn by persons registered or enrolled;

(e)for prescribing the causes for which, the conditions under which, and the manner in which, persons may be removed from the register or the roll, the cancellation of the certificates of persons removed from the register or the roll, the procedure for the restoration to the register or the roll of persons who have been removed (therefrom, and the fee to be payable on such restoration; and

(f)for regulating the issue of certificates by or under the authority of the Council to persons who have undergone the prescribed training (being training carried out in an institution approved by the Council in that behalf) and, if the rules so provide, passed the prescribed examinations in the teaching of nursing.

(2)Rules made under this section shall contain provisions—

(a)requiring as a condition of the admission of any person to the register or the roll that such person shall have undergone the prescribed training, and shall possess the prescribed experience, in the nursing of the sick;

(b)requiring that the prescribed training shall be carried out in an institution approved by the Council in that behalf, or in the service of the Admiralty, the Army Council, or the Air Council, or in a hospital managed by a Government department;

(c)for the reduction by the Council, to such extent as they may think appropriate, of the period of training prescribed under this section as a condition of the admission of any person to the register, in the case of persons enrolled as assistant nurses who have at any time before their admission to the roll undergone training with a view to qualifying for admission to the register but have not so qualified; and

(d)for the admission to the register, on payment of such fees (if any) as may be prescribed, of persons who hold certificates issued by institutions which appear to the Council to be satisfactory for the purposes of this provision stating that they completed before the beginning of October, nineteen hundred and twenty-five, a course of training in nursing in the institution and who satisfy the Council that they' are of good character and have adequate knowledge and experience of nursing.

(3)The Council shall make rules under this section enabling persons registered as nurses or enrolled as assistant nurses in England and Wales or Northern Ireland to obtain admission to the register or the roll, as the case may be.

(4)With a view to securing a uniform standard of qualification in all parts of the United Kingdom, the Council shall consult with the General Nursing Council for England and Wales and the Joint Nursing and Midwives Council for Northern Ireland before making any rules under this section with respect to the conditions of admission to the register or the roll.