Nurses (Scotland) Act 1951

Supplementary Provisions

4The members of the Council required by the foregoing provisions of this Schedule to be elected shall be elected in accordance with the prescribed scheme and in the prescribed manner.

5The members of the Council holding office at the date of the passing of this Act shall vacate office, if they were appointed by the Secretary of State or the Privy Council, on the expiry of a term of three years commencing on the first day of December, nineteen hundred and fifty, and, in any other case, on the expiry of a term of five years commencing on the last-mentioned date; and the successors in office of all the members of the Council shall hold office for a term of five years.

6(1)If the place of a member of the Council becomes vacant before the expiration of his term of office whether by death, resignation or otherwise, the vacancy shall, if the member was appointed by the Secretary of State or the Privy Council, be filled by a person appointed by the Secretary of State or the Privy Council, as the case may be, and in any other case shall be filled by a person appointed by the Council.

(2)A person appointed to fill a casual vacancy occurring in the place of an elected member of the Council shall be a person who would be qualified for election to that place if an election were to take place on the date on which he is appointed, and a person appointed to fill any other casual vacancy shall, if the place vacant was originally filled by a person required by the foregoing provisions of this Schedule to be a person of a particular class, himself be of that class.

(3)A person appointed to fill a casual vacancy shall hold office only so long as the member in whose stead he is appointed would have held office.

7A person ceasing to be a member of the Council shall be eligible for re-appointment or re-election.

8The powers of the Council may be exercised notwithstanding a vacancy in their number.

9The Council shall make rules—

(a)for regulating the summoning of meetings of the Council and the proceedings (including quorum) of the Council; and

(b)for enabling the Council to constitute committees and for authorising the delegation to committees of any of the powers of the Council, and for regulating the proceedings (including quorum) of committees.