British North America Act 1949


22(1)In this Term, the expression “Fisheries Laws” means the Act No. 11 of 1936, entitled “An Act for the creation of the Newfoundland Fisheries Board”, the Act No. 14 of 1936, entitled “An Act to Prevent the Export of Fish Without Licence”, the Act No. 32 of 1936, entitled “An Act to Amend the Newfoundland Fisheries Board Act (No. 11 of 1936)”, the Act No. 37 of 1938, entitled “An Act further to Amend the Newfoundland Fisheries Board Act 1936”, the Act No. 10 of 1942, entitled “An Act Respecting Permits for the Exportation of Salt Fish”, the Act No. 39 of 1943, entitled “An Act Further to Amend the Newfoundland Fisheries Board Act 1936”, the Act No. 16 of 1944, entitled “An Act Further to Amend the Newfoundland Fisheries Board Acts 1936-38,” and the Act No. 42 of 1944, entitled “An Act Further to Amend the Newfoundland Fisheries Board Act 1936,” insofar as they relate to the export marketing of salted fish from Newfoundland to other countries or to any provinces of Canada.U.K.

(2)Subject to this Term, all Fisheries Laws and all orders, rules, and regulations made thereunder shall continue in force in the Province of Newfoundland as if the Union had not been made, for a period of five years from the date of Union and thereafter until the Parliament of Canada otherwise provides, and shall continue to be administered by the Newfoundland Fisheries Board; and the costs involved in the maintenance of the Board and the administration of the Fisheries Laws shall be borne by the Government of Canada.

(3)The powers, authorities, and functions vested in or imposed on the Governor in Commission or the Commissioner for Natural Resources under any of the Fisheries Laws shall after the date of Union respectively be vested in or imposed on the Governor General in Council and the Minister of Fisheries of Canada or such other Minister as the Governor General in Council may designate.

(4)Any of the Fisheries Laws may be repealed or altered at any time within the period of five years from the date of Union by the Parliament of Canada with the consent of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council of the Province of Newfoundland and all orders, rules, and regulations made under the authority of any Fisheries Laws may be revoked or altered by the body or person that made them or, in relation to matters to which paragraph three of this Term applies, by the body or person that under the said paragraph three has power to make such orders, rules, or regulations under the Fisheries Laws after the date of Union.

(5)The Chairman of the Newfoundland Fisheries Board or such other member of the Newfoundland Fisheries Board as the Governor General in Council may designate shall perform in the Province of Newfoundland the duties of Chief Supervisor and Chief Inspector of the Department of Fisheries of the Government of Canada, and employees of the Newfoundland Fisheries Board shall become employees in that Department in positions comparable to those of the employees in that Department in other parts of Canada.

(6)Terms eleven, twelve, thirteen and eighteen are subject to this Term.