


PART IIAgricultural Advisory Committees.

2The nominated members shall be persons nominated—

(a)in the case of two members, by the appropriate agricultural college,

(b)in the case of two members, by the county council of the county in which the Committee district is situated, or where that district is situated in two or more counties by the county councils of those counties acting jointly,

(c)in the case of two members, by such organisation as appears to the Secretary of State to represent the interests of farmers,

(d)in the case of two members, by such organisation as appears to him to represent the interests of workers employed in agriculture,

(e)in the case of two members, by such organisation as appears to him to represent the interests of owners of agricultural land, and

(f)in the case of two members, by such other organisation or organisations interested in the welfare or development of agriculture as the Secretary of State may think fit to invite to make nominations.