National Assistance Act 1948

56Legal proceedings.

(1)Without prejudice to any other method of recovery, any sum due under this Act to the Board or to a local authority shall be recoverable summarily as a civil debt.

(2)Notwithstanding anything in any Act, proceedings for the recovery of any sum in the manner provided by the last foregoing subsection may be brought at any time within three years after the sum became due.

(3)The council of a county or county borough may prosecute for any offence under this Act.

(4)Where the Board are a party to any proceedings under this Act before a court of summary jurisdiction, any officer of the Board authorised in that behalf by a general or special direction of the Board may appear on behalf of the Board notwithstanding that he is not of counsel or a solicitor,

(5)This section shall apply to Scotland with the omission in subsection (1) thereof of the word " summarily ", with the substitution for subsection (2) thereof of the following subsection—

(2)Proceedings for the recovery of any such sum as aforesaid shall not be competent after the expiry of three years after the date when the sum became due.

and with the omission of subsection (3) thereof.