National Assistance Act 1948

19Management of re-establishment and reception centres.

(1)The Board may by regulations make provision for the management of, and preservation of order in, re-establishment centres maintained by the Board and reception centres maintained by them or on their behalf, and such regulations may provide that any person who contravenes or fails to comply with any specified provision thereof shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding ten pounds or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one month.

(2)Regulations under the last foregoing subsection may include provision requiring persons accommodated or received in centres, or specified classes of such persons, to do such work for assisting in the running of the centres as may be specified by or under the regulations.

(3)Rules made by a local authority under Part III of this Act for the preservation of order in premises in which accommodation is provided under the said Part III nay provide that this subsection shall apply in relation to any provision of the rules, and where such rules so provide any person to whom under subsection (5) of section ten of this Act assistance is given by maintenance in the premises and who contravenes or fails to comply with the provision in question shall be liable on summary conviction to such a fine or to such imprisonment as aforesaid.