National Assistance Act 1948


Joint Boards.

9(1)Where it appears to the Minister to be expedient in the interests of the efficiency of any services provided under Part III of this Act that a joint board should be established for the purpose of performing all or any of the functions under the said Part III of two or more local authorities, the Minister may by order constitute a joint board consisting of members appointed by those authorities and provide for the exercise by the board in lieu of the authorities of such of the said functions as may be specified in the order.

(2)An order under this paragraph shall not be made except after a local inquiry, unless all the authorities concerned have consented to the making of the order.

(3)Part I of this Schedule shall not have effect in relation to any functions of a local authority under Part III of this Act as respects any period during which those functions are being exercised by a joint board.

10A joint board constituted for the purposes of Part III of this Act shall be a body corporate with a common seal and power to hold land without licence in mortmain.

11An order constituting such a joint board—

(a)may, without prejudice to the provisions of section two hundred and ninety-three of the Local Government Act, 1933, and section one hundred and ninety-six of the [2 & 3 Geo. 6. c. 40.] London Government Act, 1939 (which authorise the application of the provisions of those Acts to joint boards), provide for regulating the appointment, tenure of office and vacation of office of members of the board, for regulating the meetings and proceedings of the board, and for the payment of the expenses of the board by the constituent local authorities;

(b)may provide for the transfer and compensation of officers, the transfer of property and liabilities, and the adjustment of accounts and the apportionment of liabilities;

(c)may confer on the board the like powers for the compulsory purchase of land as are exercisable by local authorities;

(d)may provide for the application, with such adaptations as may be specified, of any enactments relating to functions transferred to the board;

(e)may contain such other provisions as appear to the Minister to be expedient for enabling the board to exercise their functions;

(f)may apply to the board, with any necessary modifications and adaptations, any of the provisions of Part I of this Schedule.