
PART IVValuation of Dwelling-Houses.

Ascertainment of gross values by reference to 1938 cost.

75Scope of principle that gross value is to be ascertained by 1938 cost.

(1)Subject to the provisions of this section, the gross values of the following dwelling-houses, that is to say—

(a)post-1918 local authority or housing association dwelling-houses, including flats and maisonettes ; and

(b)to the extent hereinafter specified, small post-1918 dwelling-houses, not being local authority or housing association dwelling-houses and not being flats or maisonettes,

shall be ascertained in the manner provided by the subsequent provisions of this Part of this Act by reference to the hypothetical 1938 cost of construction, and the hypothetical 1938 site cost, as defined in the two next succeeding sections, of those dwelling-houses or the buildings of which they form part :

Provided that the preceding provisions of this subsection shall not apply to any dwelling-house to which section seventy-two of the Local Government Act, 1929 (which relates to agricultural dwelling-houses) applies, and references to dwelling-houses in the subsequent provisions of this Part of this Act relating to the ascertainment of gross values by reference to the matters mentioned in this subsection or either of them do not include references to any dwelling-house to which the said section seventy-two applies.

(2)Any reference in this Part of this Act to a local authority or housing association dwelling-house shall be construed as a reference to—

(a)a dwelling-house erected by, or by arrangement with, a local authority or by a housing association as defined for the purposes of the Housing Act, 1936, and owned by a local authority or such a housing association as aforesaid ; or

(b)a structure made available under section one of the Housing (Temporary Accommodation) Act, 1944, for use by a local authority for the provision of temporary housing accommodation ; or

(c)any other structure of a temporary nature used as a dwelling-house by virtue of any tenancy under or licence from a local authority.

(3)Any reference in this Part of this Act to a flat or maisonette shall be construed as a reference to a dwelling-house which forms part of a larger building :

Provided that—

(a)in considering for the purpose of this section whether or not a dwelling-house forms part of a larger building, garages, outhouses, gardens, yards, courts, forecourts and other appurtenances shall be left out of account ; and

(b)a semi-detached house or a house in a row of houses forming a terrace shall not be treated for the purpose of this section as forming part of a larger building.

(4)Any reference in this Part of this Act to a post-1918 dwelling-house shall be construed as a reference to a dwelling-house consisting of, or of part of, a building which was erected after, or in course of erection on, the second day of April, nineteen hundred and nineteen, or which has been since that date, or was at that date being, bona fide reconstructed by way of conversion into two or more separate and self-contained flats or tenements.

(5)Any reference in this Part of this Act to a small dwellinghouse shall be construed as a reference to a dwelling-house of which the rateable value on the appropriate day did not exceed—

(a)in the case of a dwelling-house in the Metropolitan Police District or the City of London, one hundred pounds; and

(b)in the case of any other dwelling-house, seventy-five pounds.

(6)In the last preceding subsection, the expression " rateable value on the appropriate day " has the meaning assigned to it by section seven of the Rent and Mortgage Interest Restrictions Act, 1939, and that section shall apply accordingly for the purposes of this subsection :

Provided that—

(i)where the rateable value on the appropriate day of a dwelling-house falls under subsection (2) of that section to be determined by an apportionment and no apportionment has been made by the county court, the valuation officer or, on appeal, any court or arbitrator concerned, shall himself or themselves make the necessary apportionment for the purposes of this subsection ;

(ii)if the dwelling-house has not been separately assessed and does not form part of some other property which has been separately assessed, the valuation officer, court or arbitrator shall treat the dwelling-house as being, or as not being, a small dwelling-house according as the net annual value thereof, calculated as if it were a small dwelling-house, does or does not exceed, in the case of a dwelling-house in the Metropolitan Police District or the City of London, one hundred pounds and, in any other case, seventy-five pounds.