Local Government Act 1948

37Revision of draft lists.

(1)After the expiration of the period limited for the lodging of notices of objection to a draft valuation list, the valuation officer shall revise the draft and may, on that revision, make such alterations in the list, whether for the purpose of meeting an objection or for any other reason, as he thinks proper :

Provided that, in revising the draft, the valuation officer shall not treat any hereditament as an agricultural, industrial or freight transport hereditament unless either—

(a)it was so treated for the purposes of the last preceding list; or

(b)a claim that it ought to be so treated has been made to him by the owner or occupier of the hereditament in the prescribed form ; or

(c)an objection has been made on the ground that it ought to be so treated.

(2)Where, on his revision, the valuation officer makes any alteration in the list, whether for the purpose of meeting an objection or for some other reason, he shall forthwith serve notice of the alteration on the occupier of the hereditament to which the alteration relates and on the rating authority for the area in which the hereditament is situated:

Provided that no notice need be served on the occupier (not being the rating authority) under this subsection where the occupier has not served notice of objection under the last preceding section with respect to the hereditament and the alteration consists only in a reduction in any value ascribed to the hereditament.

(3)Where notice of objection has been served under the last preceding section, then, whether or not the valuation officer makes, on his revision, any alteration in the list for the purpose of meeting the objection, he shall, on the completion of the revision, forthwith serve on the person who made the objection a notice stating whether he has made any and if so what alteration in the list with respect to the hereditament to which the objection relates :

Provided that no notice need be served under this subsection on any person on whom a notice with respect to the hereditament falls to be served under subsection (2) of this section.

(4)Any person on whom a notice is served under the last preceding subsection, the rating authority for the area within which the hereditament is situated and, where a notice is served on the occupier under subsection (2) of this section, any person who is the owner or occupier of the whole or any part of the hereditament in question, may, by notice of appeal served on the valuation officer, appeal to a local valuation court with respect to the hereditament in question.

(5)A notice of appeal shall be in writing and shall be served—

(a)in the case of a person on whom notice has been served under subsection (3) of this section, before the expiration of the twenty-one days following that of the service on him of that notice ;

(b)in the case of the rating authority, where they do not receive notice under subsection (3) of this section, before the expiration of the twenty-one days following that of the service on the authority of the notice specified in subsection (2) of this section ;

(c)in any other case, before the expiration of the twenty-one days following that of the service on the occupier of the hereditament of the notice specified in subsection (2) of this section,

and shall contain a statement of the grounds of the appeal.

(6)The valuation officer shall, within seven days after the date on which a notice of appeal is served upon him under this section, transmit a copy thereof to each of the following persons, not being the appellant, that is to say—

(a)to the occupier of the hereditament in question ; and

(b)to the rating authority for the area in which the hereditament in question is situated.

(7)Any notice served under subsection (2) or subsection (3) of this section shall be in writing and shall include a statement of the rights of appeal conferred by this section.