Local Government Act 1948

21Exchequer transitional grants for first five years.

(1)The Secretary of State shall estimate in relation to each county and large burgh in Scotland the sums specified in subsections (2) and (3) of this section, being, in every case, sums estimated for the year 1947-48.

(2)The Secretary of State shall first estimate—

(a)the aggregate of all Exchequer Grants payable under the Local Government (Scotland) Acts, 1929 to 1946, to the council of the county or large burgh, less any contributions payable by the council of the county or large burgh under section sixteen of the Old Age and Widows' Pensions Act, 1940;

(b)in the case of a burgh being a county of a city, the grant payable to the council in accordance with regulations under paragraph (12) of section seventy of the [9 & 10 Geo. 6. c. 72.] Education (Scotland) Act, 1946; in the case of a county, the grant payable as aforesaid to the council under deduction of the proper proportion thereof applicable to any large burgh situate in the county; and in the case of a large burgh ndt being a county of a city, the proper proportion applicable thereto of the grant payable as aforesaid to the council of the county in which such burgh is situate; and

(c)the product of a rate of four and four-fifths pence in the pound for the county or large burgh.

(3)The Secretary of State shall then estimate—

(a)the aggregate of so much of the expenditure incurred by the council of the county or large burgh in—

(i)providing services which it will be the duty of the Secretary of State to provide under Part II of the [10 & 11 Geo. 6. c. 27.] National Health Service (Scotland) Act, 1947; and

(ii)performing any functions falling to be discontinued by virtue of any Act of the present Session terminating the existing poor law,

as would have had to be met out of rates levied in the county or large burgh if no Exchequer Grants under the Local Government (Scotland) Acts, 1929 to 1946, and no contributions under section sixteen of the Old Age and Widows' Pensions Act, 1940, had been payable;

(b)the sum which would have been the sum required to be estimated in accordance with paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of this section if for the regulations under the enactment mentioned in that paragraph there had been substituted the provisions of such regulations made thereunder as determined the grants payable for the year 1948-49;

(c)the Exchequer Equalisation Grant, if any, which would have been payable to the council of the county or large burgh if—

(i)this Part of this Act had applied to the year 1947-48 and the third fixed grant period had terminated on the sixteenth day of May, nineteen hundred and forty-seven; and

(ii)the sum estimated under paragraph (b) of this subsection had been payable under paragraph (12) of section seventy of the Education (Scotland) Act, 1946, in lieu of the sum mentioned in paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of this section; and

(iii)the sixteenth day of May, nineteen hundred and forty-seven had also been both the appointed day for the purposes of Part II of the National Health Service (Scotland) Act, 1947, and the day appointed for the discontinuance of the functions falling to be discontinued by virtue of any Act of the present Session terminating the existing poor law, and the relevant local expenditure in relation to the county or large burgh had been diminished accordingly.

(4)If for any county or large burgh the total of the sums estimated by the Secretary of State under subsection (2) of this section exceeds the total of the sums so estimated under subsection (3) thereof, there shall be payable out of moneys provided by Parliament to the council of the county or large burgh grants for the year 1948-49 and each of the four following years.

(5)The amount of the grant for the year 1948-49 shall be the amount of the said excess and the amounts of the grants for the four following years shall be respectively four-fifths, three-fifths, two-fifths and one-fifth of the amount of the said excess.

(6)Grants under this section are in the subsequent provisions of this Part of this Act referred to as " Exchequer Transitional Grants ".