Scottish Board of Health Act 1919

6Staff and remuneration.

(1)The Board may appoint such secretaries, officers, and servants as the Board may, subject to the sanction of the Treasury as to numbers, determine, and in the making of such appointments shall give equal consideration to the suitability of persons of both sexes.

(2)There shall be paid (out of moneys provided by Parliament) to the secretaries, officers, and servants of the Board such salaries or remuneration as the Treasury may determine.

(3)The expenses of the Board, including payments to members of consultative councils and committees thereof, to such amount as may be sanctioned by the Treasury, shall be paid out of moneys provided by Parliament; but no such payment shall be made to members of consultative councils and committees thereof other" than the repayment of travelling expenses and payment of subsistence allowance, and reasonable compensation for loss of remunerative time.

(4)There shall be transferred and attached to the Board the persons employed under the Local Government Board for Scotland, the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, and the Highlands and Islands (Medical Service) Board, and such of the persons employed under any other Government department in or about the execution of the powers and duties transferred by or under this Act to the Board, as the Board and Government department, with the sanction of the Treasury, may determine.

(5)The Board may from time to time distribute the business of the Board amongst the several persons transferred or attached thereto in pursuance of this Act, in such manner as the Board think right, and those persons shall perform such duties in relation to that business as may be directed by the Board :

Provided that such persons shall be in no worse position as respects the tenure of office, salary, or superannuation allowance, than they would have been if this Act had not been passed.

(6)For the purposes of this section, a person attached to a Government department, whether as a Commissioner, member of a Board, or otherwise, shall be deemed to be employed under the department.