Education Act 1918

Section 50.

FIRST SCHEDULEExtension of Enactments

Enactment extended.Enactment as extended.
Elementary Education Act, 1870.
s. 36Every local education authority may, if they think fit, appoint an officer or officers to enforce the Education Acts and any byelaws, orders, or other instruments made thereunder with reference to the attendance of children or -young persons at school.
s. 81Certificates, notices, requisitions, orders, precepts, and all documents required by the Education Acts or any regulations or byelaws made thereunder to be served or sent may, unless otherwise, expressly provided, be served and sent by post, and, till the contrary is proved, shall be deemed to have been served and received respectively at the time when the letter containing the same would be delivered in the ordinary course of post; and in proving such service or sending it shall be sufficient to prove that the letter containing the certificate, notice, requisition, order, precept, or document was prepaid, and properly addressed, and put into the post.
s. 84After the expiration of three months from the date of any order or requisition of the Board of Education under the Education Acts such order or requisition shall be presumed to have been duly made, and to be within the powers of the Education Acts, and no objection to the legality thereof shall be entertained in any legal proceeding whatever.
Elementary Education Act, 1873.
s. 24

With respect to proceedings before a court of summary jurisdiction for offences and penalties under the Education Acts or any byelaws made thereunder the following provisions shall have effect:—

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(4)Any justice may require by summons any parent or employer of a child or young person, required by the Education Acts or by any byelaws, orders, or other instruments made thereunder to attend school, to produce the child or young person before a court of summary jurisdiction, and any person failing, without reasonable excuse to the satisfaction of the court, to comply with such summons shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty shillings.

(5)A certificate purporting to be under the hand of the principal teacher of a public elementary or continuation school, stating that a child or young person is or is not attending such school, or stating the particulars of the attendance of a child or young person at such school, shall be evidence of the facts stated in such certificate.

(6)Where a child or young person is apparently of the age alleged for the purposes of the proceedings, it shall lie on the defendant to prove that the child or young person is not of such age.

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(8)Where a local education authority are by reason of the default of the managers or proprietor of an elementary or continuation school, unable to ascertain whether a child or young person who is resident within the district of such local education authority and attends such school attends school in conformity with the Education Acts or any byelaws, orders, or other instruments made thereunder, it shall lie on the defendant to show that the child or young person has attended school in conformity with the sajd Acts, byelaws, orders, or other instruments.

Elementary Education Act, 1876.
s. 38No legal proceedings for non-attendance or irregular attendance at school shall be commenced in a court of summary jurisdiction by any person appointed to carry out the Education Acts or any byelaws made thereunder, except by the direction of not less than two members of the education committee of a local education authority, or of any sub-committee appointed by that committee for school attendance purposes.