Feudal Casualties (Scotland) Act 1914


(1)For the purposes of paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (1) of section five of this Act, the time at which the next casualty might be expected to become exigible shall be determined according to the expectancy of life, at the date as at which compensation is to be fixed, of the person on whose death the incidence of the next casualty depends, and such expectancy shall for the purposes of paragraph (a) of such subsection be the expectancy relative to the age of such person specified in the table set out in Schedule A. annexed to this Act, and shall for the purposes of paragraph (b) of such subsection be three-fifths of such last-mentioned expectancy.

(2)For the purposes of paragraph (e) of such subsection the time at which the next casualty might be expected to become exigible shall, where casualties are exigible on the death of the vassal, be determined as in the immediately preceding subsection for the purposes of paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section five of this Act; and shall, where casualties are exigible on the occasion of each sale or transfer of the property as well as on the death of the vassal, be determined as in the immediately preceding subsection for the purposes of paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section five of this Act; and shall, where casualties are payable in terms of section five of the principal Act at fixed and regularly recurring intervals, be the next recurrence of the fixed interval.