

Section 27.

SECOND SCHEDULEProvisions as to the Determination and Payment of Compensation to Officers or Servants Entitled Thereto

1The provisions of section one hundred and twenty of the Local Government (Scotland) Act, 1889, shall apply to the determination and payment of compensation to officers or servants subject to the following and any other necessary modifications :—

(a)References to the county council and the Treasury shall be construed as references to the rating authority liable in payment to the officer or servant of compensation (in this Schedule referred to as the " compensating authority") and the Secretary of State respectively, and the reference to the convener or vice-convener shall be construed in the case where the compensating authority is the town council of a burgh as a reference to the lord provost, provost or acting chief magistrate of the burgh;

(b)The reference to the Acts and rules relating to His Majesty's Civil Service shall be construed as a reference to the Acts and rules which were in operation at the date of the passing of the Local Government (Scotland) Act, 1889;

(c)References to " the passing of this Act " shall, except in the case of abolition or relinquishment of office, be construed as references to the date when the loss arose, and in the case of abolition or relinquishment of office, as references to the date of such abolition or relinquishment ;

(d)A claim for compensation shall not be maintainable unless it is intimated to the compensating authority within two years of the date on which it is alleged to have arisen ;

(e)Expenses incurred by a rating authority in pursuance of section twenty-seven of this Act and of this Schedule shall be defrayed in like manner as the expenses of levying and collecting rates:

Provided that if any compensation is payable by way of a capital sum the payment of that compensation shall be a purpose for which the rating authority may borrow upon the security of the assessment or rate out of which the said expenses are to be defrayed, and any sum so borrowed shall be repaid within a period of five years from the date on which the sum is borrowed.

(f)Subsections (8) and (9) shall not apply.

2In computing the time of service in any capacity of any officer or servant for the purpose of the award of compensation, the compensating authority shall take into account all the service in any capacity of that officer or servant under any parish council, town council or county council, whether he was appointed annually or otherwise:

Provided that, if in pursuance of the power conferred by this Act an office is abolished by a rating authority, otherwise than at the expiration of a complete year of service of an officer or servant, the portion then expired of that year shall be treated as a complete year where such portion exceeds six months, and shall be ignored where such portion does not exceed six months.

3The compensation payable to an officer or servant who immediately before the commencement of this Act held two or more offices under any parish, town or county council or councils and who devoted the whole of his time to the duties of such offices, shall not be reduced by reason of the fact that he has devoted only part of his time to each of such offices.

4If any officer or servant was temporarily absent from his employment during the late war whilst serving in His Majesty's forces, or the forces of the Allied or Associated Powers, either compulsorily or with the sanction or permission of the parish council, town council, or county council, as the case may be, such period of temporary absence shall be reckoned as service under the council in whose employment he was immediately before and after such temporary absence, and the amount of his salary, wages and emoluments during such temporary absence shall be deemed to be the amount which he would have received from the council during that period if he had remained in their actual service :

Provided that, in the case of an officer or servant who, after the armistice, voluntarily extended his term of service in the forces, no period of absence during such extension shall be reckoned.

5The compensating authority may, in their discretion and in consideration of the fact that any officer or servant was appointed to his office as a specially qualified person, or of the fact that he had prior to his appointment served as a deputy, assistant, or clerk to any officer not holding a temporary appointment, add any number of years (not exceeding ten) to the number of years which such officer would otherwise be entitled to reckon for the purpose of computing the compensation to which he would be entitled under the Acts and rules relating to His Majesty's Civil Service as applied by this Act.

6The compensation shall not exceed two-thirds of the annual pecuniary loss suffered by virtue of this Act, or of anything done in pursuance or in consequence of this Act, or if the compensation is payable by way of a capital sum, two-thirds of the capital value of such annual pecuniary loss.

7No officer or servant shall be entitled to receive both compensation for pecuniary loss and a superannuation or retiring allowance in respect of the same period of service and the same pecuniary loss.