National Library of Scotland Act 1925

6Board and Faculty to make joint regulations

Regulations shall from time to time be made by the Board and the Faculty jointly—

(a)for the purposes of the immediately preceding section of this Act; and

(b)for facilitating the interchange of books and other articles between the Library and the Law Library of the Faculty; and

(c)for facilitating the consultation and use on the one hand of books contained in the Library by the Judges of the Court of Session and the Faculty and on the other hand of books contained in the Faculty's Law Library by the public; and

(d)for regulating the borrowing of books from the Library by the existing members of the Faculty, who shall during their respective lifetimes enjoy with respect to the Library as nearly as may be the same right of borrowing books as the existing members of the Faculty enjoy with respect to the Advocates' Library, subject to the payment by the Faculty to the Board of any expense incurred by the Board in consequence of the exercise of this right.

For the purpose of the foregoing provision, the expression " existing members of the Faculty " means all persons who at the date of the passing of this Act are members or intrants of the Faculty or who at that date enjoy by resolution of the Faculty the right of borrowing books from the Advocates' Library.