Industrial Assurance Act 1923

9Obligation to deliver policies and copies of rules

(1)A collecting society shall deliver free of charge to every person on his becoming a member of or insuring with the society a printed policy signed by two of the committee of management and by the secretary, together with a copy of the rules of the society in force at the time :

Provided that—

(a)in the case of a family enrolled in one book or card, one family policy and one copy of the rules shall be sufficient;

(b)if the rules of the society in force at the time of the issue of the policy are printed in easily legible type on the policy, it shall not be necessary to deliver a copy of the rules in addition to the policy.

(2)A collecting society shall also supply to any such person at his request free of charge a copy of any subsequent amendment of the rules of the society.

(3)A collecting society shall also deliver to any member or other person on demand and on payment of a sum not exceeding one shilling, a copy of the rules of the society in force at the time.