
Special Provisions as to Collecting Societies

11Special provision as to juvenile societies

(1)Where a juvenile society within the meaning of this section established before the passing of this Act has been accustomed to receive contributions from its members by means of collectors, the provisions of this Act shall not apply to the society before the first day of January, nineteen hundred and twenty-five, and, if any such society is or has before that date become registered, the Commissioner may, if he considers that the society is one to which the provisions of this Act ought not to apply, grant to the society a certificate of exemption from the provisions of this Act subject to the like power of revocation as in the case of certificates of exemption granted under the last preceding section.

(2)For the purposes of this section, "juvenile society" means a friendly society or branch thereof, whether registered or unregistered, admission to membership whereof is by its rules limited to persons under eighteen years of age, and which satisfies the Commissioner that it is established for the purpose of recruiting members for another friendly society or for the society of which it is a branch.