
Provisions as to Collectors, &c

33Disabilities of collectors, & c

(1)A collector of a collecting society or industrial assurance company shall not be a member of the committee of management, or in the case of a company of the board of directors, or hold any other office in the society or company except that of superintending collectors within a specified area.

(2)A collector or superintendent shall not be present at any meeting of the society or company.

34Restriction on employment of persons to procure new business

(1)A collecting society or industrial assurance company snail not, nor shall any person employed by such a society or company, employ any person not being a person in the regular employment of the society or company to procure or endeavour to procure any person to enter into a contract of industrial assurance, and no person not regularly in the employment of such a society or company shall procure or endeavour to procure any person to enter into such a contract.

(2)For the purposes of this section, references to regular employment shall include regular part-time as well as regular whole-time employment.

35Notification of appointments of secretary and members of committee of management

(1)Every collecting society registered before the passing of this Act shall, within one month after the passing of this Act, and every collecting society registered after the passing of this Act or society which becomes a collecting society after the passing of this Act shall, within one month of the date when it is so registered or so becomes a collecting society, send to the Commissioner in such form as he may direct, the names of its secretary arid of the members of its committee of management, and every such society shall, within fourteen days after the appointment of a new secretary or a new member of the committee of management, send to the Commissioner in such form as he may direct the name of the person so appointed, together with such particulars in each case as he may require.

(2)This section shall come into operation on the passing of this Act.