
2Charge of new fees for certain services under the Merchant Shipping Acts


(a)under section nineteen of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894, a Registrar of Shipping endorses and signs on the certificate of registry of a ship a memorandum of the change of the master; or

(b)a certificate of service is granted in pursuance of section ninety-nine of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894; or

(c)an indenture of apprenticeship to the sea service is recorded by a Superintendent or by the Registrar-General of Shipping and Seamen;

there shall be payable such fees as the Board of Trade may determine not exceeding those specified in Part I. of the Second Schedule to this Act.

(2)There shall be payable upon all engagements and discharges of seamen effected in the presence of a superintendent under section one hundred and fifteen, subsection (2) of section one hundred and sixteen, and section one hundred and twenty-seven of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894, such fees as may be fixed by the Board of Trade not exceeding those specified in Part II. of the Second Schedule to this Act, and the superintendent may refuse to proceed with any engagement or discharge unless the fees payable have been first paid by the master or owner of the ship.

(3)On the inspection of a ship—

(a)under section four hundred and thirty-one of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894, either during the construction of the ship or otherwise, for the purpose of seeing that the ship is properly provided, in accordance with the provisions of the Merchant Shipping Acts, 1894 to 1921, or any rules made thereunder, with life-saving appliances; or

(b)under section one of the [9 & 10 Geo. 5. c. 38.] Merchant Shipping (Wireless Telegraphy) Act, 1919, for the purpose of seeing that the ship is properly provided, in accordance with the rules made under that Act, with a wireless telegraph installation and certified operators and watchers;

there shall be paid in respect of the inspection such fees as the Board of Trade may determine, not exceeding those specified in Part III, of the Second Schedule to this Act.

(4)Where under section two hundred and six of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894, or section twenty-six of the [6 Edw. 7. c. 48.] Merchant Shipping Act, 1906, any provisions are inspected either before shipment or on board a ship, there shall be payable in respect of such inspection such fees as the Board of Trade may determine not exceeding those specified in Part IV. of the Second Schedule to this Act; but it shall not be obligatory that such an inspection should be made, and accordingly in subsection (1) of the first mentioned section for the words " shall be inspected " there shall be substituted the words " may be inspected, " and for the words " shall certify" there shall be substituted the words " may certify " ; and subsection (3) of the same section shall be repealed:

Provided that, where provisions which have been inspected and sealed by an inspecting officer are found on board any ship within such time as may be prescribed by the Board of Trade as the time for which the seals are to hold good, no fee shall be charged for the verification of the seals.