

Section 1.


PART IAmendments of Provisions of Merchant Shipping Acts relating to Fees

Enactment amended.Services in respect of which Fees chargeable.Amendments.
Merchant Shipping Act, 1894 (57 & 58 Vict. c. 60):—
S. 64 (1)Inspection of register book.For the words " not exceeding one shilling " there shall be substituted the words " not exceeding two shillings. "
S. 77 (2)Remeasurement under Rule I. of ships previously measured under Rule II.For the words " not exceeding seven shillings and sixpence for each transverse section " there shall be substituted the words " not exceeding that specified in the Third Schedule to this Act. "
S. 126 (2)Granting of Certificate of Service for A.B. rating.For the words " not exceeding sixpence " there shall be substituted the words " not exceeding one shilling. "
S. 306 (2)Medical inspection of steerage passengers.For the words " not exceeding twenty shillings for every hundred persons " there shall be substituted the words " not exceeding three pounds for the first hundred persons or fraction of a hundred persons inspected, and one pound for each additional hundred persons. "
S. 695 (2)Supply of copies of certified documents.For the words " not exceeding fourpence" there shall be substituted the words " not exceeding one shilling, " and for the words " on the payment of one shilling " there shall be substituted the words " on the payment of five shillings.
Sixth Schedule:
Paras. (6) & (7).Inspection of accommodation of crew.For the words " shall not exceed ten shillings " there shall be substituted the words " shall not exceed twenty shillings,'' and for the words " shall not exceed one pound" there shall be substituted the words " shall not exceed four pounds. "
Sixteenth ScheduleInspection of lights and fog signals.For the figures " £0 10s. 0d." there shall be substituted the figures " £1 0s. 0d., " and for the words " shall not exceed one pound" there shall be substituted the words " shall not exceed four pounds. "
Merchant Shipping (Mercantile Ma-rine Fund) Act, 1898 (61 & 62 Vict. c. 44):—
S. 3.Registration transfer and mortgage of ships.For the words " solely em-ployed in fishing or sailing ships of under one hundred tons " there shall be substi-tuted the words " not ex-ceeding ten tons gross register employed solely in fishing."

PART IISchedules to be Substituted for Schedules prescribing Fees under the Merchant Shipping Acts

For the Third Schedule to the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894, the following Schedule shall be substituted:—

THIRD SCHEDULETable of Maximum Fees to be Paid for the Measurement of Merchant Ships

Vessels of 50 tons gross and under200
Vessels of over 50 tons gross and under 100 tons400
For each additional 100 tons or part of 100 tons above 100 up to 1,000200
For each additional 100 tons or part of 100 tons above 1,000 up to 10,000100
For each additional 100 tons or part of 100 tons above 10,0000100


Maximum Fees to be Paid for Passenger Steamer's Certificate
For a steamer not exceeding 50 ton gross400
For a steamer exceeding 50 and not exceeding 100 tons gross800
For a steamer exceeding 100 and not exceeding 300 tons gross1200
For a steamer exceeding 300 and not exceeding 600 tons gross1500
And for every additional 300 tons or part of 300 tons above 600 an additional300
Maximum Fees to be Paid for Survey of Emigrant Ships
(a) For ships holding valid passenger certificates : For an ordinary survey of the ship and of her equipment, stores, &c.1200
For a special survey2000
(b) For ships not holding valid passenger certificates an additional fee not exceeding that specified in the scale in Part I. of this Schedule

For the First Schedule to the Merchant Shipping (Mercantile Marine Fund) Act, 1898, the following Schedule shall be substituted:—

FIRST SCHEDULETable of Maximum Fees to be Paid on the Registration, Transfer and Mortgage of Ships

1. Registration
1. On initial Registry :—
Vessels not exceeding 25 tons gross200
Vessels exceeding 25 and not exceeding 50 tons gross2100
Vessels exceeding 50 and not exceeding 100 tons gross300
Vessels exceeding 100 and not exceeding 200 tons gross400
With £1 for every additional 100 tons or fraction of a 100.
2. Transfer and Mortgage.
2. On transfer, transmission, registry anew, transfer of registry, mortgage, and transfer of mortgage :
According to the gross tonnage represented by the ships or shares of ships transferred, &c. (e.g., the transfer of a 1/64 share in a ship of 6,400 tons to be reckoned as the transfer of 100 tons):
Not exceeding 10 tons050
10 tons and not exceeding 20 tons0100
20 tons and not exceeding 30 tons0150
30 tons and not exceeding 40 tons100
40 tons and not exceeding 50 tons150
50 tons and not exceeding 75 tons1100
75 tons and not exceeding 100 tons1150
100 tons and not exceeding 125 tons200
and a further fee of 5s. for every additional 50 tons, or part of 50 tons, up to 500 tons, after which for every 100 tons, or part of 100 tons050

Section 2.



Certificates and Records

For endorsing and signing on the certificate of registry of a ship a memorandum of the change of the master0100
For a certificate of service granted in pursuance of section 99 of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894100
For recording an indenture of apprenticeship to the sea service026


Engagement and Discharge of Seamen

For every seaman engaged before a superintendent016
For every seaman discharged before a super-intendent016


Inspection of Life-saving Appliances and Wireless Telegraphy Equipment

For inspection of life-saving appliances on a vessel on or before first registry or re-registry2l. for each lifeboat.
For subsequent inspection at the request of the master or owner or in the case of a vessel found to have defective or deficient life-saving appliances1l. per visit with a maximum of 4l.
For inspection of a vessel which is found to be not properly provided with wireless telegraphy installation or with certified wireless operators and watchers1l. per visit with a maximum of 4l.


Inspection of Provisions

The following percentage of the market value of the provisions inspected:—

If the provisions are inspected in bulk at a ware2 per cent.
If the provisions are inspected on a ship or alongside a ship4 per cent.

Section 10.

THIRD SCHEDULEEnactments Repealed

Session and Chapter.Short Title.Extent of Repeal.
41 & 42 Vict. c 49.The Weights and Measures Act, 1878.In section thirty-seven the words " nor shall any fee be payable on the verification or re-verification of any local standard."
52 & 53 Vict. c 21.The Weights and Measures Act, 1889.In section eight the words " not being standards for the use of a local authority or their officers and ".
57 & 58 Vict. c. 60.The Merchant Shipping Act, 1894.Subsection (3) of section two hundred and six.
The Third Schedule.
The Ninth Schedule.
61 & 62 Vict. c. 44.The Merchant Shipping (Mercantile Marine Fund) Act, 1898.The First Schedule.