
IXIf Persons to the Number of Three, being armed, enter any Land for the Purpose of taking or destroying Game, &c. they shall be deemed guilty of a Misdemeanor.

And be it enacted, That if any Persons, to the Number of Three or more together, shall by Night unlawfully enter or be in any Land, whether open or inclosed, for the Purpose of taking or destroying Game or Rabbits, any of such Persons being armed with any Gun, Crossbow, Fire Arms, Bludgeon, or any other offensive Weapon, each and every of such Persons shall be guilty of a Misdemeanor, and being convicted thereof before the Justices of Gaol Delivery, or of the Court of Great Sessions of the County or Place in which the Offence shall be committed, shall be liable, at the Discretion of the Court, to be transported beyond Seas for any Term not exceeding Fourteen Years nor less than Seven Years, or to be imprisoned and kept to hard Labour for any Term not exceeding Three Years; and in Scotland any Persons so offending shall be liable to be punished in like Manner.