
XXVHow the Expences shall be paid in Places not contributing to the County Rate. (58 G. 3. c. 70. s. 9. & 10.)

And whereas Felonies and such Misdemeanors as are hereinbefore enumerated may be committed in Liberties, Franchises, Cities, Towns, and Places which do not contribute to the Payment of any County Rate, some of which raise a Rate in the Nature of a County Rate, and others have neither any such Rate, nor any Fund applicable to similar Purposes, and it is just that such Liberties, Franchises, Cities, Towns, and Places should be charged with all Costs, Expences, and Compensations ordered by virtue of this Act, in respect of Felonies and such Misdemeanors committed therein respectively; be it therefore enacted, That all Sums directed to be paid by virtue of this Act, in respect of Felonies and of such Misdemeanors as aforesaid, committed or supposed to have been committed in such Liberties, Franchises, Cities, Towns, and Places, shall be paid out of the Rate in the Nature of a County Rate, or out of any Fund applicable to similar Purposes, where there is such a Rate or Fund, by the Treasurer or other Officer having the Collection or Disbursement of such Rate or Fund; and where there is no such Rate or Fund in such Liberties, Franchises, Cities, Towns, or Places, shall be paid out of the Rate of Fund for the Relief of the Poor of the Parish, Township, District, or Precinct therein, where the Offence was committed or supposed to have been committed, by the Overseers or other Officers having the Collection or Disbursement of such last-mentioned Rate or Fund ; and the Order of Court shall in every such Case be directed to such Treasurer, Overseers, or other Officers respectively, instead of the Treasurer of the County, Riding, or Division, as the Case may require.