
XVIProperty ordered for the Use of the Poor of Parishes, &c. may be laid in the Overseers. (55 G. 3. c. 137. s. 1.) Materials, &c. for repairing Highways may be laid to be the Property of the Surveyor of Highways.

And, with respect to the Property of Parishes, Townships, and Hamlets, be it enacted, That in any Indictment or Information for any Felony or Misdemeanor committed in, upon, or with respect to any Workhouse or Poorhouse, or on or with respect to any Goods or Chattels whatsoever, provided for the Use of the Poor of any Parish or Parishes, Township or Townships, Hamlet or Hamlets, Place or Places, or to be used in any Workhouse or Poorhouse in or belonging to the same, or by the Master or Mistress of such Workhouse or Poorhouse, or by any Workmen or Servants employed therein, it shall be sufficient to state any such Property to belong to the Overseers of the Poor for the Time being of such Parish or Parishes, Township or Townships, Hamlet or Hamlets, Place or Places, and it shall not be necessary to specify the Names of all or any of such Overseers; and in any Indictment or Information for any Felony or Misdemeanor committed on or with respect to any Materials, Tools, or Implements provided for making, altering, or repairing any Highway within any Parish, Township, Hamlet, or Place, otherwise than by the Trustees or Commissioners of any Turnpike Road, it shall be sufficient to aver that any such Things are the Property of the Surveyor or Surveyors of the Highways for the Time being of such Parish, Township, Hamlet, or Place, and it shall not be necessary to specify the Name or Names of any such Surveyor or Surveyors.