
IVDuty of Coroner. (1 & 2 P. & M. c. 13. s. 5.)

And be it further enacted, That every Coroner, upon any Inquisition before him taken, whereby any Person shall be indicted for Manslaughter or Murder, or as an Accessory to Murder before the Fact, shall put in Writing the Evidence given to the Jury before him, Or as much thereof as shall be material; and shall have Authority to bind by Recognizance all such Persons as know or declare any thing material touching the said Manslaughter or Murder, or the said Offence of being accessory to Murder, to appear at the next Court of Oyer and Terminer, or Gaol Delivery, or Superior Criminal Court of a County Palatine, or Great Sessions, at which the Trial is to be, then and there to prosecute or give Evidence against the Party charged, and every such Coroner shall certify and subscribe the Same Evidence, and all such Recognizances, and also the Inquisition before him taken, and shall deliver the same to the proper Officer of the Court in which the Trial is to be, before or at the Opening of the Court.