
XXXIXForms of Proceeding in Admiralty and in the Commissary and Inferior Courts.

And whereas it will essentially contribute to the Attainment of the Objects proposed in this Act, that in the High Court of Admiralty, the Court of the Commissaries of Edinburgh, and Inferior Courts, Forms of Proceeding in the Preparation of Causes which have been before; directed relative to Causes in the Court of Session shall be followed as closely as may be done consistently with the peculiar Nature of those several Jurisdictions, and with the State of those Courts in respect to the Skill and legal Knowledge of the Procurators who attend and practise therein; therefore, and in order to establish Uniformity in the Modes of Proceeding in the said Courts, and follow out the Spirit of the present Act, in so far as that may be done consistently with local Circumstances, be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Judges of the Court of Session and Jury Court, as herein afterwards empowered, shall and they are hereby required to make due Inquiry, and thereupon to fix, by Act of Sederunt, such Regulations, to be observed in the Practice of the above Courts, as may best be calculated to give effect to this Act, and to forward the Object herein proposed.