Parliamentary Elections (Ireland) Act 1823

XXXTown Clerk, or other proper Officer of City or Town, to keep Registry Book of Persons to whom Freedom shall be granted ; and give Lists of Entries when required, on receiving at the Rate of 3d. for every 100 Names. Penalty for Neglect, 100l.

And be it further enacted. That the Town Clerk or other , Officer of each County of a City or County of a Town in Ireland, who shall have Charge of the Books whereby it shall appear to what Persons the Freedoms of such City or Town shall be granted, and by which it shall appear what Persons have been declared entitled t6 their Freedom as of Right, shall keep a Book containing a List of the Names of the Persons elected or admitted Freemen, and of the Persons to whom all Freedoms shall be granted, and of the Persons who shall be declared entitled to their Freedom as of Right; and such Town Clerk or other Officer shall, at the Request of any Freeman of the said City or Town, within Ten Days from the Time of making such Request, deliver to such Person a List of the Names of the Persons elected or admitted Freemen, and of the Persons to whom such Freedoms shall be so granted, and of the Persons who shall be so declared entitled to their Freedom as of Right, within such Time as shall be specified by such Person, such Town Clerk or other Officer receiving for the same at the Rate of Three-pence for every Hundred Persons Names contained in such List; and if any Town Clerk or other Officer as aforesaid shall omit to keep, a Book containing the Entry of such Names, or shall omit to furnish a List of the Names of such Persons within the Time appointed for furnishing the same as aforesaid, after Request made as aforesaid, such Town Clerk or other' Officer shall for every such Offence forfeit the Sum of One hundred Pounds to any Person suing for the same.