Parliamentary Elections (Ireland) Act 1823

XVIIIClerk of the Peace shall make Entries of such Registers in alphabetical Books.

And be it further enacted, That the Clerk of the Peace of every County of a City or County of a Town shall enter, in the Form herein-before appointed for the Entry of Freeholds, the Substance of every Affidavit of every Freeholder who shall have registered a Freehold for such County of a City or County of a Town, of Forty Shillings, or Twenty Pounds, from the First Day of January One thousand eight hundred and sixteen, and the Substance of every Affidavit of every Freeholder who shall have registered a Freehold for such County of a City or County of a Town, of Fifty Pounds; but such Entries shall be made in alphabetical Order, according to the Surnames of the Persons who shall have registered Freeholds, and in separate Books, having One Book for each Letter of the Alphabet; and each of such Books shall be divided into Three Parts, the First Part containing the Forty Shillings Freeholds registered from the First Day of January One thousand eight hundred and sixteen, the Second containing the Entries of Twenty Pounds Freeholds from the same Time, and the Third Part the Entries of Fifty Pounds Freeholds; and such Clerk of the Peace shall affix before each Name a Number, to shew how many have been registered of each Description of Freehold under each Letter of the Alphabet; and shall also affix before each Name the Number affixed thereto in the original Registry Book or Books; and the Clerk of the Peace of every County of a City or County of a Town, shall from Time to Time enter in the same Manner and Form every Affidavit of Registry which shall hereafter be made.