
XLIIIOn Demand of Candidates, Returning Officers shall appoint Interpreters. Oath.

And be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the Officers at any Election for a County of a City or County of a Town in Ireland, and they are hereby required, on the Demand in Writing of any Candidate, to appoint a sufficient Number of competent Persons to act as Interpreters, in order to translate faithfully such Oaths, Affirmations, and such Questions and Answers as are required to be taken, made, asked, or given, at any such Election ; and that every such Interpreter shall, immediately after such Appointment and before he shall proceed to act under such Appointment, take the following Oath; and every Returning Officer is hereby required and empowered to administer the same:

I A. B. do swear, That I will faithfully interpret such Oaths, Affirmations, Questions, and Answers, as I shall be directed to interpret by the Returning Officer or Officers, and his or their Deputy ' or Deputies [as the Case may be.]

And that every such Person so appointed for the Purpose aforesaid shall be entitled to receive the Sum of Ten Shillings for each Day of his Attendance.