Parliamentary Elections (Ireland) Act 1823

LXXXIIIPenalty on fraudulent Voters, 20l.

And be it further enacted, That if any Person shall rote at any Election, by virtue of a Registry of an alledged Freehold under a Lease for a Life or Lives, made by a Lessor who had not at the Time of making the same a Freehold Estate therein, or under a Lease for a Life or Lives, which Lease is to end and determine on some such Covenant or Condition, that a Freehold Estate has not been demised by the same, or under a Lease for a Life or Lives, or a certain Number of Years, which Life or Lives is or are dead, or under a Lease for a Life or Lives, which Lease has expired or been surrendered, after due Notice not to vote by virtue of any such Registry shall have been given to such Person by any Candidate, or by an Inspector or any Candidate, and which Notice every Candidate and Inspector is hereby authorized and empowered to give to such Person at any Time before or during such Election, or in the Place of polling, such Person, on being convicted thereof, shall forfeit to any Person who shall sue for the same the Sum of Twenty Pounds, to be recovered by him or them, with Treble Costs of Suit, by proceeding in the Nature of Civil Bill at any General Quarter Sessions of the Peace that may be held for the County of the City or County of the Town in which such Election shall have taken place, or by Action of Debt in any of His Majesty's Courts of Record in Ireland.