
LXXVIIIClerk of the Peace to take an Oath for the Performance of his Duty. Oath.

And for the better securing the Performance of the Duties directed to be performed by the Clerk of the Peace or his Deputy, in respect to the Registry of Freeholds, be it further enacted, That the several Clerks of the Peace, or their Deputies, of the several Counties of Cities and Counties of Towns of Ireland, shall, at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace or Adjournment thereof next after the passing of this Act, or at the next General Quarter Sessions of the Peace or Adjournment thereof next after his Appointment, take and subscribe an Oath in the Form following, and which Oath the Justices presiding at the said Session are hereby directed and empowered to administer :

And which the said Clerks and Deputy Clerks of the Peace are hereby required to deliver to the Treasurer of the County of the City or County of the Town (as the Case may be) to be preserved amongst the Records of the County.