
LXXIIINo Fee or Reward to Returning Officer; Contracts for making a Return shall be void. Persons giving or accepting such, forfeit the Amount and 200l.

And be it further enacted, That no Fee, Gratuity, or Reward whatsoever shall be given, paid, received, or taken, by any Sheriff or Returning Officer or Officers of any County of a City or County of a Town, for making out, or for the Delivery, Return, or Execution of any Writ or Precept, for the electing a Member or Members to serve in Parliament; and that all Contracts, Promises, Bonds, and Securities to be made or given to any Sheriff, or other Returning Officer or Officers, for making a Return of any Member to serve in Parliament, or to pay such Sheriff or Returning Officer or Officers any Sum or Sums of Money, by way of Gratuity or Reward for making such Return or otherwise in respect thereof, shall be and are hereby declared to be null and void; and whosoever shall make, give, or accept of such Contract, Promise, Bond, or other Security, or any Gift or Reward to procure any false Return, shall forfeit a Sum equal to the Value given or intended to be given or accepted in such Contract, Promise, or other Security, Gift or Reward; and also the further Sum of Two hundred Pounds to any Person who shall first sue for the same, to be recovered as herein-after directed.