
LXIVAppointing the Hours for commencing and ending the Poll each Day.

And be it further enacted, That the Returning Officer or Officers, at every Election for a Member to serve in Parliament for any County of a City or County of a Town, shall cause the Poll to be kept open in every Place, and on every Day of polling, from Ten of the Clock in the Morning, except on the First Day of polling, until Five of the Clock in the Afternoon, except on the last Day of polling, between the Fifteenth Bay of April and the Fifteenth Day of September, and from Ten of the Clock in the Morning, except on the First Day of polling, until Four of the Clock in the Afternoon, except on the last Day of polling, between the Fifteenth Day of September and the Fifteenth Day of April; and that in case any disputed Question, or any Objections to Votes referred to him or them by his or their Deputy or Deputies, shall not be decided during the Time for which the Poll shall be so kept open, the Returning Officer or Officers shall give his or their Attendance in his or their Booth or other Place of Sitting, and proceed to decide the same after the polling shall have ceased, or before the polling shall have commenced on any Day or Days of polling, except the last Day of polling.