
XXIVRegulation as to letting of Pews.

And be it further enacted, That in every Case in which Rents shall have been fixed upon the Pews in any Church or Chapel under the Provision of the said recited Acts for the Purposes therein specified, Notice shall be given for Six successive Weeks at the End of each Year of all the Pews which are vacant or which will become vacant at the Commencement of the next Year, by affixing the same in Writing upon the Doors of the Church or Chapel and Vestry Room thereof respectively; and all such Pews as shall not be taken at the Rent respectively fixed thereon within Fourteen Days after the Commencement of the ensuing Year, shall in every such Case be let to any Inhabitant of any adjoining Parishes or Places in which there shall not be sufficient Accommodation in the Churches and Chapels of the Parish or Place for the Inhabitants thereof, at the Rent respectively so affixed upon such Pews, for any Term not exceeding the End of the Year ; and at the Expiration of the Year, and also of every succeeding Year in which any such Pews shall be rented by Inhabitants of any adjoining Parishes, such Pews shall be inserted in the List of vacant Pews, to be taken in Preference by the Inhabitants of the Parish or Place to which the Church or Chapel shall belong; and all such Pews as may not be so taken by any Inhabitant of the Parish or Place, may again be let, and so on from Year to Year, to any Inhabitants of any adjoining Parish or Place; any thing in the said recited Acts to the contrary notwithstanding.