
IICommissioners of Woods empowered to sell other Possessions or Land Revenues of the Crown, in order to raise the Purchase Money to be paid to Lord Gage.

And be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the Commissioners of His Majesty's Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues for the Time being, and they are Hereby authorized and empowered, to contract and agree with any Person or Persons, Body or Bodies Politic or Corporate, for the Sale of, or absolutely to make Sale and dispose of any Part or Parts' of the Possessions or Land Revenues of the Crown within the Ordering and Survey of the Exchequer, which do or shall consist of any Royalties; Honours, Hundreds, Manors, Lordships, Franchises, or any Rights, Members, or Appurtenances thereof, or thereto belonging or appertaining, or any Fines, limes, Amerciaments, Profits, Dues, or Monies arising therefrom, or incident to, or receivable in respect. thereof, or any Messuages, Lands, Tithes, Stents, Mines, Minerals, Collieries, Woodsy Wood Grounds, Fens, Marines, Waste Lands, or any other Tenements or Hereditaments whatsoever; which shall in their Judgment be definable to be fold, at Or for the belt Prices or Considerations in Money which the said Commissioners of His Majesty's Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues shall, under the Direction and with the Approbation of the said Lord High Treasurer or Commissioners of the Treasury for the Time being, or any Three or more of them, be able to procure for the same, as will raise a Sum sufficient to pay the said Purchase Money so to be paid to the (aid Henry Hall Viscount Gage, and the Interest due thereon; and the Expences of making and completing the said Purchase and Sales, and the Monies arising from the Sale or Sales of any of the said Possessions or Land Revenues of the Crown, (hall be laid out by the Order of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues for the Time being, (who are for that Purpose hereby authorized to make Drafts on the Bank for the same), in the Payment and Discharge of the respective Instalments of such Purchase Money as they (hall respectively become due, and the Interest then payable to the said Henry Hall Viscount Gage, his Heirs and Affigns, and in the Payment of such Expences as aforesaid; and in the mean Time, and until such respective Instalments and the Interest thereon shall become due and payable, and such Payments shall be required, all and every Sum and Sums of Money arising from such Sales shall from Time to Time be paid into the Bank of England, and placed to the Account directed, by an [50 G. 3. c. 65.] Act passed in the Fiftieth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled An Act for uniting the Offices of Surveyor General of the Land Revenues of the Crown and Surveyor General of His Majesty's Woods, Forests, Parks, and Chaces, to be raised in the Books of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, intituled " The Account of the Public Monies of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues, being The Woods and Forests Fund."